One of the major mistakes made by newcomers to the internet marketing world is to assume ‘content’ means nothing more than ‘keyword stuffed text’. Yes, we all know and appreciate the importance of keywords, and we all want to get them on to our websites in the cheapest and quickest way possible. Yet something that is continually overlooked is the importance of quality content, rather than just a load of text with a few keywords thrown in.
Quality content is determined as something that provides something to the reader. That might be news, it might be information, it might be help guides; basically, anything that leaves the reader more informed than they were prior to reading the content. And quality content, as the saying goes, is King.
The reason is simple. In the job description internet marketer, the key word is “marketer” – and it’s a darn sight easier to market a website that provides useful, quality information. With quality content, you can hope that other people will enjoy the content, and thus take some of the marketing out of your hands. Visitors may find the text of your site informative, and will link to the article on a forum you’ve never heard of. Suddenly, there’s a back link you would never normally have had, and all without you lifting a finger.
It may seem like keywords are all that matter if you want to be a successful internet marketer, but they’re not. Like most things, IM success is a balancing act. Yes, you need keywords, but those keywords need to be inserted in to high quality content for your IM career to really take off.
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